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On 2025-02-18, at 12:53 local time, an ML=2.3 earthquake occurred near Nagyszentjános, Hungary. The quake was felt in the epicentral region.
On 2025-02-13, at 00:03 local time, an ML=2.4 earthquake occurred near Pannonhalma, Hungary. The quake was felt in the epicentral region.
On 2024-09-06, at 18:09 local time, an ML=2.3 earthquake occurred near Mór, Hungary. The quake was felt in the epicentral region.
On 2024-07-16, at 23:27 local time, an ML=2.3 earthquake occurred near Balatonkiliti, Hungary. The quake was felt in the epicentral region.
On 2024-02-01, at 02:59 local time, an M=4.5 earthquake occurred near Wiener Neustadt, Austria. The quake was felt in Hungary as well.
On 2023-11-14, at 19:54 local time, an ML=2.7 earthquake occurred near Eger, Hungary. The quake was felt in the epicentral region.
On 2023-10-16, at 06:23 local time, an ML=2.8 earthquake occurred near Pápa, Hungary. The quake was felt in the epicentral region.
On 2023-09-08, at 07:09 local time, an ML=3.1 earthquake occurred near Szarvas, Hungary. The quake was felt in the epicentral region.
On 2023-08-20, at 03:52 local time, an ML=4.2 earthquake occurred near Szarvas, Hungary. Then, at 05:13 local time, the event was followed by an ML=3.5 aftershock. The quakes were felt in the epicentral region.
On 2023-08-19, at 11:13 and 11:16 local time, two ML=4.0 earthquakes occurred near Szarvas, Hungary. The events were followed by 7 ML>2.5 aftershocks. The quakes were felt in the epicentral region.
On 2022-12-17, at 12:39 local time, an ML=2.8 earthquake occurred near Mezőkeresztes, Hungary. The quake was felt in the epicentral region.
On 2022-11-09, at 11:37 local time, an ML=2.4 earthquake occurred near Zalaszentgyörgy, Hungary. The quake was felt in the epicentral region.
On 2022-10-22, at 22:59 local time, an ML=2.4 earthquake occurred near Zalakomár, Hungary. The quake was felt in the epicentral region.
On 2022-07-28, at 17:22 local time, an ML=2.5 earthquake occurred near Kács, Hungary. The quake was felt in the epicentral region.
On 2022-07-23, at 18:00 local time, an ML=3.3 earthquake occurred near Répcelak, Hungary. The quake was felt in the epicentral region.
On 2021-10-27, at 03:44 local time, an M=3.3 earthquake occurred near Tiszasásvár, Ukraine. The quake was felt in Hungary as well.
On 2021-09-18, at 05:07 and 06:47 local time, two earthquakes with ML=2.9 and 2.6 occurred near Répcelak, Hungary. The quakes were felt in the epicentral region.
On 2021-08-29, at 23:57 local time, an ML=2.2 earthquake occurred near Komárom, Hungary. The quake was felt in the epicentral region.
On 2021-04-20, at 00:57 local time, an M=4.3 earthquake occurred near Wiener Neustadt, Austria. The quake was felt in Hungary as well.
On 2021-03-30, at 18:25 local time, an M=4.4 earthquake occurred near Wiener Neustadt, Austria. The quake was felt in Hungary as well.
On 2021-03-02, at 04:12 local time, an ML=2.6 earthquake occurred near Nagykanizsa, Hungary. The quake was felt in the epicentral region.
On 2021-01-09, at 22:29 local time, an M=4.9 earthquake occurred near Petrinja, Croatia. The quake was felt in Hungary as well.
On 2021-01-06, at 18:01 local time, an M=5.3 earthquake occurred near Petrinja, Croatia. The quake was felt in Hungary as well.
On 2020-12-29, at 12:19 local time, an M=6.3 earthquake occurred near Petrinja, Croatia. The quake was felt in Hungary as well.
On 2020-12-28, at 06:28 local time, an M=5.4 earthquake occurred near Petrinja, Croatia. The quake was felt in Hungary as well.