The MTA CSFK has joined the ARISE in 2016. ARISE2 is an infrastructure Design Study project funded by the H2020 European Commission. ARISE2 is a collaboration of more than 25 European universities and research institutes.

ARISE2 aims to provide a new atmosphere model with a high spatio-temporal resolution by integrating different techniques such as infrasound, lidar, radar and airglow stations. The ARISE2 infrasound network component incorporates the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban-Treaty Organization (CTBTO) International Monitoring System (IMS) network globally distributed infrasound arrays as well several European infrasound arrays.


The ARISE network. The yellow star shows the location of PSZI array, red and indigo circles represent the IMS and European infrasound stations, respectively. PSZI closes a large gap in infrasound station coverage.